SHC Membership Sign-up


 Thank you for your interest in joining the Society of Herbarium Curators (SHC).  Membership is open to all who are committed to SHC’s purpose “to promote and expand the role of herbaria in botanical research, teaching, and service to the community at large, to provide a forum for discussion and action on all issues confronting herbaria, and to extend its efforts and interject its influence toward the protection and preservation of endangered herbaria.”  SHC is "the" organization with a laser focus on supporting the global herbarium community.

SHC develops and supports a useful portfolio of activities for its membership, including such things as the society’s The Vasculum newsletter, the Herbaria listserv, and the Strategic Planning for Herbaria online course.  Student members qualify to compete for research grants, and all members qualify to run for leadership in the society.  The society values the leadership participation of members from all regions of the world, all institutional contexts, and all career stages.  If you are interested in standing for election or would like to participate in a standing or ad hoc committee, please contact me at

We encourage you to Create/Renew your membership below through our secure Membership Sign-up form.

We have introduced a new Developing Country Membership category (view eligible countries). This new complimentary membership category is based on the economic development status of a member’s resident country. The Developing Country Membership category will allow our society to be more inclusive and to broaden the international diversity of our membership.

Please consider making a donation to SHC in addition to the modest membership fees, should you be in a financial position to do so. Your annual SHC membership begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st each year.

With best regards,

Mark Fishbein, SHC President 2024-2026
Oklahoma State University
Plant Biology, Ecology & Evolution

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